THE PhD EXCELLENCE INITIATIVE, supported through a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and through the generosity of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, identifies high-achieving college graduates (particularly those from disadvantaged or first-generation college backgrounds) who have a passion for economics and new perspectives to offer and prepares them for the rigors of doctoral study at leading U.S. institutions. The Initiative positions these high achievers for further success in academia through its focus on research excellence, writing for publication, and peer networking and support. A high degree of student-centric, one-on-one mentoring is a hallmark of the Initiative.
> THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS FEBRUARY 1st each year for onboarding in the summer
Instructions and Requirements for Application (external link)
Components of the Initiative
The Initiative adds one outstanding college graduate each year, bringing him or her to Stanford to receive an annual stipend to work and study full time as a Research Fellow for two years with Peter Blair Henry, as part of the broader community of research fellows at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
The Ph.D. Excellence Initiative is an intensive, highly individualized training program that rests on four pillars of success for doctoral studies: Economic Research, Advanced Coursework, Writing/Publication, and Mentor/Peer Support.
Research Scholars participating in the Ph.D. Excellence Initiative hone their research skills by assisting with hypothesis formulation, data collection, and rigorous econometric analysis. Through critical engagement with research and exposure to some of the most significant economic issues of the day, scholars have an opportunity to more clearly define their own research interests and generate ideas that may form the basis of future journal publications and/or dissertations.
During their fellowships, Initiative scholars enroll for credit in courses offered at Stanford University. Following an assessment of their undergraduate transcripts, scholars will receive individual guidance in selecting the best enrichment courses in economics, advanced mathematics, statistics, or other relevant subject areas.
Recognizing the importance of publication in leading journals as a primary path to success for academic economists, the Ph.D. Excellence Initiative focuses heavily on the development of high-quality writing throughout the year and during the Initiative’s Summer Research Workshop.
Mentor and peer support is widely acknowledged as a powerful “make or break” factor in Ph.D. program success, especially for first-generation graduate students. Research Scholars in the Ph.D. Excellence Initiative enjoy a high level of mentor support on an ongoing basis. In weekly scheduled meetings, scholars have the chance to discuss and receive advice on research, coursework, publications, and other areas. Through the Ph.D. Excellence Initiative, participants also gain access to a growing network of similarly motivated, highly successful scholars who have gone on to doctoral programs at top-tier institutions. The Initiative’s annual Summer Workshop (presently co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in New York City) unites past and present participants and encourages collaboration and lasting connections, providing additional avenues of support for scholars as they advance in their careers beyond the Initiative.